Although Spanish airports have been recovering to normal during the morning hours, the authorities are still watching closely the sky and the wind. As stated by the Control Center of Volcanic Ash in London, today the ash cloud will traverse the peninsula from north to south, but for now, Eurocontrol forecasts indicate that the mass of volcanic emissions will only affect airports in northern Spain.
In the morning hours were lifted restrictions on air traffic at airports in Asturias, Santander, Bilbao, Salamanca, León, Burgos and Valladolid, which have been the last ones that continued closed after a weekend marked by cancellations and intermittent closures in the airspace north and east of Spain. This condition led to the cancellation of 632 of the 5.222 operations scheduled by the Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA).
The evolution of winds and other weather conditions will be decisive in making decisions during the day, Monday, on all flights with departure or destination in Spain. The evolution map provided by the official center illustrates that the cloud will move into the peninsula, cross it from north to south and leaving outside its sphere of influence only Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, part of eastern Andalusia, Murcia , Comunidad Valenciana, part of Aragon and Catalonia.
In the case that the British forecast is correct, which has been accurately in the latest forecasts on the evolution of the cloud, this afternoon the situation could get complicated in many Spanish airports. The volcanic ash, according to the map of evolution, will also extend to the centre of the European continent, reaching as far as Greece and Turkey. In Spain, the biggest problems may occur on Wednesday when the cloud again will cover much of the peninsula.
Aena recommends that before going to Malaga airport contact your airline for information and as well provides the information telephone 902 404 704.