New regulation for liquids and laptops at Malaga airport

Soon no more having to unpack your suitcase when you arrive at Malaga airport control: By the year 2024, a new regulation will finally come into force at Spanish airports that many of us were surely waiting for. Next, we tell you all the news about regulation for liquids and laptops at Malaga airport.

New regulation at Malaga airport

Passengers will not have to take out liquids and laptops at Malaga airport from 2025

In 2024, Aena will implement new 3D X-ray scanners at the security control point to inspect baggage without opening it.

That is, no more having to unpack and take out liquids, phones and other devices in front of everyone. Which also usually causes considerable delay in the process.

New Technology at Other Airports

In 2024, they will install the filters with this new technology at the Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat airports. However, we will have to wait until 2025 to benefit from the new system at the Malaga-Costa del Sol airport.

The other Spanish airports in which the new scan will enter into force in 2025 are Palma de Mallorca and Málaga- and in 2026 in Gran Canaria, Tenerife South, César Manrique Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández, Ibiza, Valencia, Bilbao and Menorca.

What do I no longer have to take out of the suitcase at the checkpoint?

Liquids, perfumes, creams, aerosols, foams, gels, shampoo and toothpaste will not have to be outside your luggage to go through the scanner at Spanish airports.

regulation at Malaga airport

Currently, they still have to be in individual containers with a capacity of no more than 100 millilitres, contained in a transparent plastic bag with an opening/closing system and a capacity of no more than 1 litre (bag of approximately 20 x 20 centimetres).

This bag must be placed on trays at security control, outside the baggage. Only one bag can be transported per passenger, including children.

Currently, the only drinks, cosmetics and perfumes allowed are those purchased at the airport in approved and sealed security bags, which contain the purchase receipt.

How much liquid can you carry in hand luggage?

This point is not yet specified. It refers to one of the most annoying restrictions on hand luggage: the limit of 100 millilitres of liquid in individual containers, which must go in a transparent plastic bag with a capacity of no more than one litre.

While some sources of information already talk about being able to carry toiletries such as colognes, creams or makeup of medium or family size, the limit of 100 millilitres is currently still in force.

The new scanners would make it possible to eliminate this restriction, but for now AENA sources consulted say that this decision will depend on what the European Union dictates.

What can’t I take in hand luggage?

The modification of the restrictions, however, continues without affecting a series of products that remain prohibited for travel in Spanish airports: weapons (pistols, crossbows, etc.), discharge and neutralizing devices, such as tear gas or sprays, sharp objects (axes, knives or scissors with a shaft of more than 6cm).

You cannot transport blunt objects such as golf bats, chemical and toxic substances or explosive and flammable substances.

State-of-the-art technology: 3D image scanners

The scanners use a technology called EDSCB (Explosive Automatic Detection System for Cabin Baggage). They are equipment with X-ray technology that generates high-resolution 3D images that allow detailed visual inspection.

In this way, control time is considerably reduced, saving time for the traveller, without losing security in the procedure.

They are already testing new scanners at London’s Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports. The UK government will change security regulations by 2024. In the US, they have tested new devices at fifteen airports, including Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego and Chicago.

Easing restrictions on air travel

In Europe, the European Commission has called for the relaxation of these restrictions imposed after the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York in 2001.

In 2006, they established liquid control following a foiled terrorist attack by Al Qaeda against seven planes taking off from Heathrow. The terrorists had planned to use explosives concealed in drink cans. The international association of airlines IATA also supports the proposal to gradually ease the restrictions.

Regulation at Malaga airport, as well as at any other airport, is constantly evolving to adapt to technological advances or potential threats.

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  1. Hello, yesterday, 28.10.2023. appox. at 13.00 I went through the security control in Malaga airport and the security officer wanted to check my bags, put my staff separately, and my iPad left in the box where passengers put their bags, liquids and devices, is it possible to check , where it is?

  2. My daughter have nut allergy and can I take food from uk to Spain malaga in my cabin bag like cakes, crisps ,chocolates?

  3. Hi, I’ll be traveling soon with analog camera film in my carry on. Do you know whether will it be safe to put it trough the scanner or should I ask the staff for manual check for them?

    1. Hello Maya!

      If you think it could be affected by the scanner, you should ask them to check it manually.


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